


Saturday, 17 November 2012


Happy Birthday to my blog that today is one years old and to celebrate a post with some looks that have passed through here since his last birthday! Of course I want to thank all you readers for caring and lovely comments I receive. I hope you guys enjoy the post today! I LOVE YOU ALL! **)

Kisses **)

Steps Silver

And today I present to you my scarpins silver, they've got have a little time, more like I was absent did not show them to before .. but better late than never, not even éh? rs
Pro look today had in mind my beloved scarpins and would like to use them during the day I chose to basic pieces, I made an entertaining blend with the yellow top and blue tank top with collars (The cat necklace was myself that did it myself without help from anyone! Very proud! hehe: p), jeans with destroyed details and to close a black bracelet to give a more rock! And the result was nothing more than a good look funky, colorful and footprint rock! I love it!

Kisses **)

Top: Farm
Race: C & A
Pants: Coca-Cola Clothing
Scarpin: Santa Lola
Wing Collar: C &
Kitty collar: I did: P
Rings and bracelets: Vintage (eram Minh grandfather)
Black Bracelet: C & A (VERY old)

Red Day

Today when I woke up my first thought was: I need something red in my day, more precisely my red pants. If you follow my blog, you know my passion for color and red pants surely have seen this a few times here, I think I even need a new one because the poor thing is already killed both of which use! I am one of those that when you love an outfit to use to no end, just that while also am of those who love when an outfit to keep with the greatest pity to use! I swear I do not understand ..! And you're sick of using up or guard to death? Or is it both like me? rs
Kisses and a Great Weekend! **)

Shirt: C & A
Pants: Jersey
Open Boots: Via Mars
Feather Necklace: Renner
Watches and rings: Vintage (They were my grandmother)

Color Curious

Our miss that!! A good time without coming here, I think about 4 months .. more like the good son always makes the house and I'm here returning to my beloved blog. Ok, these last few months have been mega run for me, a lot going on, but now I'm back (I said it, neh? Rs)
  Well, lately has been totally attracted to everything that has color and this trend of fluoride totally won me! A few years ago if you told me that I would be wearing a pair of fluor lemon I would never believe, even with this because my tan palm ... rs. At the time of writing I decided to look away from the obvious and threw myself without fear in colors with this tie dye shirt, and pink booties to close the necklace in honor of eagle feathers emblazoned on my blouse. A curious result not!?

Kisses **)

Regata: Essence
Calça Fluor: Marisa
Open Boots: Satinato
Colar penas: Renner
