Our miss that!! A good time without coming here, I think about 4 months .. more like the good son always makes the house and I'm here returning to my beloved blog. Ok, these last few months have been mega run for me, a lot going on, but now I'm back (I said it, neh? Rs)
Well, lately has been totally attracted to everything that has color and this trend of fluoride totally won me! A few years ago if you told me that I would be wearing a pair of fluor lemon I would never believe, even with this because my tan palm ... rs. At the time of writing I decided to look away from the obvious and threw myself without fear in colors with this tie dye shirt, and pink booties to close the necklace in honor of eagle feathers emblazoned on my blouse. A curious result not!?
Kisses **)

Regata: Essence
Calça Fluor: Marisa
Open Boots: Satinato
Colar penas: Renner
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